Monday, October 20, 2014

Grave Business And Other Stories (The EC Comics Library)

Out May 1, 2015

Our latest collection of influential EC comics features “Ghastly” Graham Ingels’s horror art.
Even in an era of explicit horror films, “Ghastly” Graham Ingels still delivers a shock to readers with his grisly depictions of the stomach-churning fates of the evil men (and women) in these stories—leavened only by a sly wink to the reader and a generous dose of dreadful puns. Ingels’s brushwork oozes ominously across every panel, perfectly setting the mood for the shudder-inducing fates of such corrupt characters as the sadistic asylum director, the political candidate who murders his opponent, the ventriloquist with the homicidal “dummy,” the millionaire who persecutes an aged junkman, and the medieval duke who runs over a young boy with his carriage then taxes the peasants to pay for cleaning up his victim’s blood. Like every book in the Fantagraphics EC line, Grave Business And Other Stories superbly showcases these classic comic book masterpieces and enhances the reader’s experience with commentary and historical and biographical detail from EC experts. Black & white

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse Vol. 7: "March Of The Zombies" (Vol. 7)

Out May 1, 2015

In the latest volume of Mickey Mouse’s classic newspaper strip adventures, it’s WWII, and our plucky adventurer has to fight zombies!
It’s World War II, and Uncle Sam wants Mickey Mouse’s “’Lectro Box,” an amazing ray cannon that can shapeshift living matter! But also hot on Mickey’s trail is gruesome Dr. Grut, who wants to use the ray to turn humans into plants—so Grut’s mind-controlled “Aberzombies” can rule the world! Floyd Gottfredson produced a canon of legendary tales starring Mickey as a bold, two-fisted hero: ready to wallop the walking dead... and face off with our wartime foes! You’ll see Mickey’s awesome role in the war effort, as he tackles Axis bad guys, Schickelgruber subs, and the treasonous Pegleg Pete! Meanwhile, back home in Mouseton, Goofy adopts... a man-eating lion?! Black & white with over 60 pages of color

Walt Disney's Donald Duck: "The Pixilated Parrot" (Vol. 6) (The Carl Barks Library)

Out May 15, 2015

In this collection of short comics by the world-renowned Carl Barks, Donald, Uncle Scrooge, and the nephews go on a wild parrot chase, among other adventures.
Carl Barks delivers another superb collection of clever plot twists, laugh-out-loud comedy, and all-around cartooning brilliance. Donald gives Uncle Scrooge a parrot for his birthday but the feathered troublemaker escapes with the combination to Scrooge’s safe holding “ninety tons of money.” Hijinks ensue as Donald and his nephews set off on an unexpected adventure to recover the lovesick bird. Then, Donald and the boys are shanghaied by a mysterious stranger, who whisks them off to face perils in the desert in “Ancient Persia,” where they uncover a lost city—and its reconstituted inhabitants! And Barks cuts loose from his regular panel designs to deliver one of his finest stories, “Vacation Time” (it has its own Wikipedia page), as Donald displays unusual depths of courage and heroism when he has to rescue Huey, Dewey, and Louie on a wilderness outing gone wrong. Full color illustrations throughout

Barbarella & the Wrath of the Minute-Eater

152 pages, out Jan. 7, 2015

Marvel Masterworks: Not Brand Echh Volume 1

456 pages, out June 23, 2105.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Avengers by Kurt Busiek & George Perez Omnibus Volume 1

Out March 17, 2015

Fan-favorite creators Kurt Busiek and George Pérez craft a new era for Earth's Mightiest Heroes! The Avengers have always defended humanity against the forces of evil. When duty calls, these legendary champions answer, fighting valiantly until justice prevails. But as the Avengers reform in the wake of a life-changing event, they must face an array of foes like no other: Morgan Le Fay, the Squadron Supreme, the Kree, the Legion of the Unliving, the Thunderbolts, the Wrecking Crew...not to mention facing Kang and Immortus in the Desti ny War! But when the merciless Ultron attacks, wiping out an enti re nation in his hatred for mankind, the Avengers must live up to their name...if they can!